Engleza rapida in imagini
Engleza rapida in imagini - Steaua Nordului
...din carte:
Questions (întrebări)
1. How many legs has Steve?
(Câte picioare are Steve?)
2. How many arms has he?
(Câte braţe are el?)
3. How many hands has he?
(Câte mâini are el?)
4. With what does he brush his hair?
(Cu ce îşi piaptănă părul?)
5. With what does he brush his clothes?
(Cu ce îşi curăţă hainele?)
6. Where do they wash their faces?
(Unde îşi spală feţele?)
7. With what do they wash their hands?
(Cu ce se spală pe mâini?)
Answers (Răspunsuri)
1. Steve has two legs
(Steve are două picioare)
2. He has two arms
(El are două braţe)
3. He has two hands
(El are două mâini)
4. He brushes his hair with a comb
(El îşi piaptănă pârul cu un pieptene.)
5. He brushes his clothes with a brush
(El îşi curăţă hainele cu o perie.)
6. They wash their faces in the sink
(Ei îşi spală feţele la chiuvetă.)
7. They wash their hands with soap
(Ei se spală pe mâini cu săpun.)
Pagini: 168
Dimensiuni: 16X23
Data aparitiei:2015
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